Our Team

We only believe in evidence based developments that lead to top of the class innovative solutions. Axalton Med Tech’s mission is to help in the early diagnostics and prevention of heart diseases, the leading cause of death worldwide. 

For these reasons our team consists of highly recognized professionals in fields ranging from Healthcare, engineering and software development to industrial design.

The Management Team

  • Andras Patkai


    Andras has founded several big data and tech companies where medical device cybersecurity and digital noise filtering have played a crucial part. He is a member of the NATO Biometric Interoperability Workshop and is committed to seeing new data make healthcare more effective worldwide.

  • Marta Fodor


    Marta has extensive experience in global international organizations, HR, complex project management, supply chain, manufacturing, with a special focus in life sciences. Her role in Axalton is the coordination of the various teams to maximize results efficiently.

  • George Kozmann


    Serial med-tech entrepreneur, inventor, with several successful exits, George oversees the development team, as well as the clinical testing of the Axalton devices. His focus is wearable health technology specialized in the cardiovascular field.

Medical Advisors

  • Dr. Nándor Tűzkő

    Head of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department, Szent Margit Hospital, Budapest

  • Dr. Zoltán Veresh

    Clinical Immunologist, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department, Szent Margit Hospital, Budapest

  • Dr. Doan Nang Khai

    Obstetrician-Gynaecologist, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department, Szent Margit Hospital, Budapest

  • Dr. István Kósa

    Head of Department at Dep. of Medical Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine

  • Dr. Áron Penyige

    Obstetrician-Gynaecologist, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department, Szent Margit Hospital, Budapest