
Digital solutions

For lifelong cardiac health

• Heartbeat-based • Digital solutions • For lifelong cardiac health

& Professional Background

Our solutions are based on solid professional background, especially on the achievements of the great Hungarian scientist, professor György Kozmann, who passed in December 2021.

He dedicated his career to the R&D of eHealth and telemonitoring systems for exploring and medicating human cardiovascular and brain functions. He also worked at University of UTAH.

In our professional team we have 4 physicians/cardiovascular specialists from the mentioned universities.

Dr. György Kozmann, Lead Developer

Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Professor Emeritus

He graduated in electrical engineering from the Budapest University of Technology in 1964. In the course of his  professionalwork, he was primarily interested in advanced multi-field research areas, initially at the Hungarian Academy of Science’s Central Institute for Physics Research (KFKI), where he was involved in topics related to solid  state physics and reactor physics. In this area, he conducted research at the Institute Laue-Langevin in Greno-ble, France, under the leadership of Nobel Prize winning Professor Rudolf Mössbauer. From the mid-1970s, he  was entrusted by the Director General of KFKI with starting and then leading Hungary’s Bioengineering research  activities, first as lead scientist and later as Head of Unit. Between 1986-89 he worked as a researcher at the Uni-versity of Utah’s Cardiovascular Institute (CVRTI) alongside school-building researchers in the field of theoretical  electro-cardiology.

At the invitation of Academician Tamás Roska, he joined the Faculty of Engineering Informatics of the University of Pannonia in 1994, working initially as an associate professor and later as a full university pro-fessor. From 2006 to July, 2011 he was scientific advisor to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Tech-nical Physics and Materials Science (MFA). Since July 2011 he is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Pannonia  and the head of the University’s Center for Health Informatics Research and Development Institute (PEEIKFK). He  assists Neato Fejlesztési Kft’s medical IT developments as Chief Technology Officer.

He was the founder of Hungarian health IT education, as well as the leader of a number of consortia implement-ing several highvalue projects (and sub-projects) amounting to a total value of several hundred million forints.

He has been involved in professional public life for decades and is currently the President of the Hungarian Acad-emy of Sciences’ VEAB Health Informatics Committee. Until 2013, he was a member of the Doctoral and Habilita-tion Committee of the BME FEE. Until 2011, he was president of the Medical Biology Department of the Neumann  Society.